Generally, approximately everyone has experienced a headache. In most cases, headaches are usually not of concern because, at times, they go away on their own without taking medications. One can be experiencing headaches due to hunger, failure to consume enough water, or other underlying conditions. Headaches caused by lack of sleep, water, and food usually go away after eating, drinking water, or resting. However, other headaches persist and require you to take over-the-counter painkillers to alleviate pain and discomfort. Others persist even after taking medication. In this case, consulting a qualified specialist is encouraged because an underlying condition might be the cause of your headache. Therefore, if you are experiencing persistent headaches and seek relief, headache Dundalk specialists are here to your rescue. Read on to understand more about the types, diagnoses, and signs of severe headaches.

What are the different types of headaches?

Usually, headaches are often grouped into five classes depending on the cause and location of the pain. The types of headaches are as follows:

·         Primary headaches

Primary headaches occur without an underlying condition or cause of the pain. Examples of headaches grouped under primary headaches include migraines.

·         Secondary headaches

And unlike primary headaches, secondary headaches are caused by an illness, or injury. Usually, this headache is considered a symptom of an existing condition. In other cases, it can be an unwanted effect of a tumor, cerebrovascular condition, metabolic disease, infection, or trauma.

·         Facial pain

Facial pain can be caused by sinus problems, temporomandibular joint disorders, or other concerns affecting blood or nerve supply to your face.

·         Cranial neuralgias

They usually affect the nerves found on your face. Cranial neuralgias can also cause serious pain and electrical sensations in your head and face.

·         Other headaches

It incorporates all types of headaches and pain that cannot fit in either of the above categories.

Typically, for your caregiver to determine the type of headache you might be experiencing, they perform a comprehensive evaluation, diagnostic investigation, and physical examination.

How can you diagnose headaches?

Your care provider must know and understand the location of your pain patterns and headache to help diagnose the cause of your headache. They also determine any potential trigger of headache you might be experiencing. During your visit, your physician performs the following as part of your evaluation. They include an eye exam, observation, neurological exam, sleep habits assessment, physical exam, review of your medical and family history, and blood tests such as liver, thyroid, and kidney functions. The results help determine the cause of your headache, which is essential in designing a treatment plan.

What are the examples of warning signs of a serious headache?

Some potential warning signs of a serious headache include severe headache on each side of your head, headache after a head injury, sudden severe headache, headache after a sore throat or respiratory infection, and headache that worsens with straining, coughing, or sudden move, and headaches accompanied with a stiff neck, rash, double vision, fever, mental confusion or difficulty speaking.

Some headaches can be quite serious, thus requiring urgent medical attention. Therefore, if you have any of the above warning signs of a serious headache and seek medical attention, you can start by calling Choice Pain & Rehabilitation Center today for consultations.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.