Every part of your health requires comprehensive care to enhance its function. Your vascular health enhances blood transportation from the heart to the body and vice versa. Your veins and arteries need to be in a condition to promote circulation and enhance smooth blood flow. Problems with these blood vessels result in health complications that may interfere with your daily living. An El Paso vein surgeon at I-Vascular Center offers quality treatments and medical services to restore and better your vein health and function. Here are the common vein problems you might want to check with your provider.

Varicose and spider veins

They develop when blood floods your veins, forming unsightly veins on your skin surface. Varicose and spider veins appear as protruding and twisting colored veins in your legs. Typically, about 80 million individuals have varicose and spider veins in the States.

Varicose veins occur when a valve fails to function, allowing the backward flow of blood. Usually, many people consider it a cosmetic concern; however, sometimes, varicose veins develop undesirable symptoms such as pain, itchiness, and a tingling and burning feeling. In both cases, it’s critical to find treatments to avoid complications.

Treatments include wearing compression socks, sclerotherapy, avoiding sitting or standing for extended periods of time, endovenous laser ablation, etc.

Deep vein thrombosis

Did you know that about 350,000 Americans develop deep vein thrombosis each year? Deep vein thrombosis causes the formation of blood clots in your veins. When not treated, the condition is risky and life-threatening.

Usually, the condition grows slowly, and you may not realize you have it until it’s too late. The following symptoms may indicate you have deep vein thrombosis.

·         Leg swelling

·         A warm feeling in your legs

·         Leg pain

·         Skin discoloration

Ensure you receive your treatment for deep vein thrombosis to enhance healing and lower the risk of complications.

Peripheral arterial disease

The disease is common among patients aged 50 and above. Peripheral arterial disease puts you at risk of critical medical conditions, such as stroke and heart attack.

The following develops when you have peripheral arterial disease.

·         Leg weakness and numbness

·         Slow-healing wounds

·         Hair loss on your legs

·         Painful cramping

·         Toenail discoloration

·         Shiny skin on your legs

Peripheral arterial disease occurs when there is restricted blood flow in your leg arteries. You can prevent and lower your risk of peripheral arterial disease through lifestyle modifications, such as taking a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stopping smoking. You may need treatment for severe cases of the disease.

The heart supports your life; it enhances the proper pumping of blood and body function. It requires healthy blood vessels to promote healthy circulation. A problem with your vascular parts interferes with the smooth flow of blood, causing uncomfortable symptoms.

Healthy living is necessary for preventing vascular health issues such as peripheral arterial disease. Usually, the problems occur due to clogging your blood vessels, blocking blood flow. Healthy weight, healthy diets, and regular exercise come a long way in maintaining your health.

You can always identify a vein problem with symptoms such as leg swelling, leg pain, skin discoloration, and non-healing leg ulcers. Regular check-ups may help determine the risk factors and prevent the problems. Contact I-Vascular Center today for your vein health evaluation appointment.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.