Cannabidiol, popularly known as CBD, is a chemical extracted from the marijuana plant (Cannabis Sativa) and nowadays several companies are selling Hemp flower online. Its benefits would be discussed later but first the most important question people have about CBD Exhalewell exclusively sell only hemp flower.

How consumption of CBD is different from cannabis consumption and if one can get high on using it?

A marijuana plant contains both CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) along with 104 other compounds.

THC is the most active compound in cannabis plants and is psychoactive (affect the functionality of the brain and the nervous system) in nature. The “high” one experiences are actually the psychoactive THC affecting our body.

CBD, on the other hand, isn’t psychoactive at all so one cannot get “high” after consuming it but his body would still experience the “relaxing” and “calming” effect one gets after smoking marijuana. CBD medication actually contains a very small of this compound so even the slightest chance of any medical complication can be avoided. Many companies are even selling government-approved 

The applications of CBD

  • Can be used as a natural pain reliever– CBD is a muscle relaxant and sensation inhibitor( it reduces sensation) thus it can be used as a natural medicine to relieve chronic pain instead of synthetic chemicals like corticosteroids, which are sure to harm one’s body over time due to their inherent synthetic nature.
  • Can be used in the therapy to cure marijuana addiction – CBD is not psychoactive but it is a muscle relaxant and sensation inhibitor a fact that can be used to treat withdrawals symptoms resulting from quitting marijuana. On consuming it one would not suffer any high but his “craving” would be satisfied. People are actually ordering Hemp flower online in order to control their addiction.
  • To treat anxiety disorders – Due to the relaxing and calming effect of CBD, it can be used to reduce anxiety in patients suffering from anxiety disorders like Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
  • To control and prevent epilepsy seizures – The same relaxing and soothing effect of CBD has been medically certified to prevent and control seizures in certain epilepsy diseases
  • Can be used to reduce side effects of cancer treatment – Several companies are offering Hemp flower online as a way to reduce side-effects related to ongoing cancer treatment such as vomiting, nausea and sharp pain. 

Thus, Hemp flower does have a lot of benefits against several medical conditions and if one happens to suffer from any of the conditions listed above, he should seriously give Hemp flower a shot.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.