In 2021, statistics show that over 57.8 million people had a mental illness in the US. That is equivalent to one in every five people. Mental illnesses involve different conditions, ranging from minor to severe cases. These conditions can negatively affect your life and influence your behaviors, relationships, and feelings. For instance, you may struggle to concentrate, develop anxiety and find it hard to fit into society. One of the most common mental health disorders is OCD Oradell (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

Read about obsessive-compulsive disorder and ways of controlling the condition.

What are the effects of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

OCD causes people to have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, or ideas (obsessions). They may need to do certain things repeatedly. Although people with OCD understand that these thoughts are senseless or exaggerated, they cannot stop them. OCD usually starts in late childhood or early adolescence and lasts for years without worsening. About one person in 100 will develop OCD at some time during their life. It’s more common in men than women.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

  • Contamination fears
  • Fear of harming others
  • Fear of acting impulsively
  • Hoarding (keeping useless things)
  • Unwanted sexual thoughts about inappropriate partners
  • Harm OCD

How is OCD Treated?

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) used for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is based on the idea that OCD symptoms result from a learned association between the situations that trigger them and the compulsive behavior.

Therefore, repeatedly exposing yourself to these situations without performing the compulsive behavior will teach you that nothing bad happens when you don’t perform your rituals. In ERP therapy, you learn how to manage your anxiety and resist compulsive urges. This helps you slowly lose control over your symptoms.

Cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy is a form of talk therapy that aims to help you change your thinking and behavior. CBT helps you gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You learn how these influence each other, how certain patterns can make you feel worse, and how to change those patterns.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder medications are sometimes helpful for managing symptoms. Antidepressants may reduce obsessive thoughts and compulsions in some people with OCD. Also, antipsychotic medications called serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) may help control some of the symptoms of OCD when taken in higher doses than normally recommended for depression treatment.

Habit reversal training

Habit reversal training is a behavioral therapy for OCD. It is based on the idea that compulsive behaviors are habits that can be unlearned. It involves breaking down the compulsive behavior into smaller steps and then teaching you how to stop yourself from doing it.

Habit reversal training takes time and effort but can be effective in helping some people manage their symptoms

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can make your life unbearable. However, there are ways to deal with OCD symptoms and return to living your life. Contact KETA Medical Center professionals to get help today.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.