Your blood vessels are bound to get worn out after years of usage. This may result in various vascular conditions. These conditions may also result from blocking and eventual slowing down of particles within the blood vessel. A Plano board certified vein and vascular specialist can deal with these issues. More about what this medical professional can do is discussed below.

What are Vascular Diseases?

Vascular diseases affect the blood vessels that transport nutrients and oxygen all over your body while getting rid of waste from your tissues. These illnesses come about when cholesterol and fat block or slow down blood flow within your veins or arteries.


Most vascular issues have no known causes. Some of the known ones include:

·         High blood pressure

·         High cholesterol

·         Diabetes

·         Smoking or using tobacco products

·         Certain medications

·         Genetics

·         Infection

·         Injury

·         Blood clots

Several vascular diseases may affect your veins, while others happen to your arteries. They may also only be found in certain body parts. They include:

Carotid artery issues

These happen in the two primary carotid arteries found in your neck and include:

·         Carotid artery dissection starts as a tear in a single layer of the artery wall. The tear leaks blood that spreads within the wall layers.

·         Carotid artery disease involves a narrowing or blockage of the arteries that supply the brain. This may result in a stroke or a transient ischemic attack.

·         A carotid artery aneurysm is characterized by an arterial wall bulge that weakens the wall and may lead to it breaking open

·         Carotid body tumors are growths around the nervous tissue near the carotid artery

Peripheral artery disease

The blood vessels outside your heart, like the coronary arteries, may also contract the condition of plaque buildup within them. This narrows the artery over time, reducing blood flow and insufficient blood flow to body tissues. Types of this condition include:

·         Intestinal ischemic syndrome

·         Peripheral artery disease

·         Popliteal entrapment syndrome

·         Renal artery disease

·         Buerger’s disease

·         Raynaud’s phenomenon

Venous disease

The valves of your veins may get damaged and thus cannot close up completely. The blood flows in both directions as the valves cannot hold the blood within the damaged vein. This may cause bulging and swelling in your veins. Itching, aching, or blood clots may result. Venous diseases include:

·         Spider veins

·         Varicose veins

·         Chronic venous insufficiency

Diagnosis and Treatment

A physical exam may help a healthcare provider determine the condition present. A confirmed diagnosis requires additional CT, MRI, and catheter angiography tests.

Treatment depends on the condition faced.

In severe cases, peripheral artery disease treatment involves diet, exercise, pain medications, a heart-healthy diet, and surgery.

Carotid artery conditions are treated through a healthier diet, angioplasty, anticoagulants, or surgical intervention.

Venous diseases are treated via various heat and laser therapies, physical therapy, removal via incision, and prescribed medications.

Vascular diseases influence how blood is supplied from your heart to other body parts. These issues need to be looked into immediately after any warning signs appear. For any vascular care inquiries, visit us online, or call our offices in Plano, TX.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.