Essure tubal implants provide a permanent birth control solution for women who no longer want children. However, the process can carry several risks which can produce adverse effects. If you have undergone the procedure and experience pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, hives, facial edema, or other symptoms, you should consider a Miami essure tubal implants removal procedure.

Your specialist will recommend the removal method depending on the severity of your symptoms and when you begin to exhibit them after the implantation. 

Types of Essure removal procedures

The following are common types of removing essure tubal implants

Hysteroscopic removal

Your doctor will access the implants through the cervix during this procedure using a small camera. They will try and remove all the components of the Essure implants. Your doctor must perform this procedure before you hit the sixth-week mark after implantation and before tubal occlusion.

Laparoscopic extraction

Your doctor will use small incisions to access the Essure tubal implants and remove them. Since the procedure uses small incisions, you will recover quickly and have minimal scarring.

Open laparotomy

During open laparotomy, your surgeon will access the tubal implants by making one big incision on your abdomen. They will remove all the implant components and stitch you up. Recovery from this procedure is longer than for laparoscopic extraction.

Reasons why you should remove Essure tubal implants

Different women react differently to essure tubal implants. While you might not have any after-effects, another woman can experience adverse symptoms after the treatment. The following are reasons why you should remove essure tubal implants.

Hypersensitivity reactions

You can experience type four hypersensitivity reactions if your immune system responds negatively to the components of the implants. The type 4 hypersensitivity reactions are not immediate and usually occur after 12 hours, following the procedure. Common symptoms include hives, angioedema, facial edema, urticaria, pruritus, excessive fatigue, severe bloating, and hair loss.

In extreme cases, you might experience anaphylactic reactions characterized by difficulty breathing, shock, rashes, and nausea or vomiting.

Chronic pain

While birth control methods should not cause pain, your body can react by causing pain after the implantation. You can experience pelvic or back pain, stomach cramps, and headaches. While you can experience some of these symptoms during or after the procedure, sometimes they can persist, causing severe pain. If you have chronic pelvic pain, you might need a removal procedure.

Improper placement

Improper placement of the Essure inserts can lead to chronic pain and rupture of organs like fallopian tubes. In other cases, the inserts can shift to other reproductive system organs like the uterus. If the device is not properly placed, it can also dislodge its components, causing pain. You can ascertain whether the implant has shifted through abnormal periods, which can be heavier or sudden than usual.  

If you have undergone the process of Essure tubal implantation, visit Dr. Peter A. Khamvongsa, FACOG, FACS, IF, of The Miami Institute of Women’s Health for treatment. Dr. Khamvongsa and his team will evaluate your condition and symptoms before recommending the most suitable Essure removal procedure. Call or book your appointment online and improve your health.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.