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What is a cataract?

A cataract is the clouding or clouding of the natural lens of the eye. The lens is a flexible, transparent tissue located behind the pupil. Together with the cornea, the lens focuses light in the eye. The cornea does most of the work, but the lens is responsible for fine-tuning the focus to get a clear vision.

Cataracts can have many causes, but the most common is natural aging. Over time, the microcomponents of natural lenses become less flexible and cluster together. Whatever the cause of cataracts, the results are the same.

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove a cataract without cataract surgery. Although some ophthalmologists are exploring alternatives, currently only cataract surgery can cure cataracts. Fortunately, this quick and easy procedure, which includes replacing the natural lens of the eye with an intraocular lens, will not only help you get out of cataracts but also prevent their recurrence.

What happens if cataracts are left untreated?

The early stages of a cataract may not be obvious, but when a cataract develops, symptoms can include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Reduced color vision
  • Especially the problem of night contrast.
  • Hypersensitive to light and glare.
  • Distorted vision, including halos and double vision

Over time, these issues can lead to life-changing vision loss. In addition, the longer the cataract remains untreated, the more “mature” it is. Mature “overripe” cataracts are more difficult to remove and in some cases, surgery is not possible.

What is cataract surgery?

To remove the cataract, an experienced ophthalmologist from Sambursky Eye & Esthetics performs cataract surgery. This includes the destruction and removal of the natural lens. The old opaque lenses are then replaced by synthetic ophthalmic lenses (IOL). Because they are artificial, these eye lenses will not develop into cataracts. Over time, it can resist other problems affecting the lens, such as presbyopia.

Do I need surgery to remove a cataract?

Once a cataract has formed, there is no way to treat or remove the cataract other than cataract surgery. Existing cataracts cannot be eliminated with medication, and their effects cannot be completely offset by glasses. Some ophthalmologists are looking for non-surgical solutions, while others have yet to be found.

There is only one solution for cataracts, but the good news is, they are good solutions. Since the cataract is removed, this procedure completely solves the cataract problem. Replacing an intraocular lens does not suffer from cataracts.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.