The most obvious sign is eyelid droop. Depending on the severity of the problem, vision difficulties may occur. Sometimes people tilt their heads back to try to see better or raise their eyebrows several times to lift their eyelids simultaneously. The most serious problem associated with childhood eyelid ptosis is amblyopia or lazy eye. This can occur if the eyelid “droops” far enough to interfere with the affected eye’s ability to see. Ptosis can also lead to a constant blurring of visual images, causing astigmatism.

Ptosis can “hide” another problem: strabismus or “misaligned eyes,” which can also cause amblyopia.

Diagnosis Of Eyelid Ptosis

The ophthalmologist should make the diagnosis of eyelid ptosis and should carefully examine the eyelids, taking detailed measurements of their height. The strength of the eyelid muscles, among other factors, should also be evaluated. The ophthalmologist may use some tests to help with the diagnosis.

Is There A Cure For Eyelid Ptosis?

Eyelid ptosis is curable. Find out below how to treat eyelid ptosis.

Treatment Of Eyelid Ptosis

In eyelid ptosis or drooping eyelid (ชั้น ตา หลบ ใน which is the term in Thai), treatment depends on several factors: the patient’s age, eye movement, eyelid height, whether one or both eyelids are involved, muscle strength, etc. Age is an essential factor to consider in treatment. In children, ptosis can cause irreversible damage to vision (amblyopia). In adults, there may be more or less serious interference with vision; however, in addition to visual problems, the correction of “droopy eyelids” can and should be carried out to improve the aesthetic appearance of patients, thus improving their self-esteem.

In childhood, in most cases, treatment is surgical. If amblyopia is present, treatment with occludes, eyeglasses, or eye drops may be necessary.

Surgery For Eyelid Ptosis

Surgery (or operation) for eyelid ptosis aims at the surgical correction of the “droopy eyelid,” that is, it is an operation that allows lifting the eyelid or putting it back in its usual position, allowing the positioning of the eyelid not to interfere with the ability to vision and simultaneously improve the aesthetic appearance.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

See the difference between the top photo (before surgery) and the image after the operation. The surgeon “shortens” the muscles that lift the eyelid in operation, giving the patient better vision and appearance. In other cases, a slight kink in the levator muscle and removal of excess eyelid skin (blepharoplasty) is sufficient to resolve the problem.

Mild or moderate infantile eyelid ptosis usually does not require surgery early in life. Children should be seen regularly by an eye doctor to prevent amblyopia. Even after surgery, problems can develop as the eyes grow and change in size. Surgery for congenital eyelid ptosis should be performed before amblyopia occurs. As with any surgery, there are risks associated with the intervention. Complications during or after surgery are infection, bleeding, dry eye, and others. These complications are rare and can be prevented with appropriate measures. The risk of infection, for example, can be prevented with the prophylactic prescription of antibiotics. Very rarely, eyelid movement may be lost.

In an eyelid ptosis surgery, recovery is simple; patients can lead a perfectly normal life after surgery, following the doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period, namely: taking the prescribed medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc.), being careful with exposure to dust or toxic products. The total recovery time is around 2 to 3 weeks, and patients can lead a perfectly everyday life immediately after the surgery, naturally considering the above recommendations.

In eyelid ptosis, the surgery can vary in price according to the procedure performed and the type of anesthesia. The value can also fluctuate if the patient has some health insurance and the associated conditions. Only the ophthalmologist will determine how much the eyelid operation costs through a thorough analysis during the consultation.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.