Many of your peers could be wearing mouthguards. Your dentist might also suggest wearing a mouthguard, particularly if you clench or grind your teeth or struggle with a dental condition. While they are widely used, if you have never worn a mouth guard before, you might wonder; why do so many people depend on this oral appliance? In this post, Midtown mouth guards specialist Dr. Charles Marks outlines some remarkable advantages of these dental gadgets to answer your concern. Continue reading to learn more.

1.      Address Bruxism

Bruxism, often referred to as teeth clenching and grinding, is a relatively prevalent disorder that frequently happens during sleep. Numerous factors may be to blame for this concern, including tension in the jaw muscles, stress, and disturbing nightmares. Constant teeth clenching and grinding may cause discomfort in the jaw, face, and neck; hence, the reason to consider mouth guards. Night guards distribute pressure evenly throughout the jaw and establish a barrier between the lower and upper jaw to avoid more damage.

2.      Reduce Obstructive Sleep Apnea

When evaluating bruxism, your dentist will also assess whether it is an indication of more significant concern known as obstructive sleep apnea. OSA is defined by respiratory pauses and difficulty breathing during sleep, lasting between several seconds to over a minute. If you have been identified with sleep apnea, a mouth guard can alleviate the symptoms. This oral appliance fits over the lower and upper dental arches and pushes the lower arch forward as you sleep to maintain your airway clear.

3.      Protect Against Injuries

Additionally, if you participate in contact sports, whether hockey, rugby, football, etc., your dentist will suggest you wear a mouthguard. Any mishaps or falls might result in mild or serious damage to your gums and teeth. A mouthguard is a crucial precautionary for sportspeople as it safeguards against neck injuries, jaw fractures, concussions, and brain injury by preventing upper jaw-to-lower jaw collisions. Moreover, mouth guards prevent lacerations and abrasions to the tongue, cheeks, and lips by keeping delicate dental tissue away from the teeth.

4.      Help to Relieve TMD

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the skull and the bottom jaw. On the other hand, temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a condition characterized by jaw tenderness or discomfort, neck discomfort, tooth sensitivity, jaw tightness, snapping, or locking. What typically transpires is that your teeth, whether well aligned or not, keep your jaw from resting where it desires, causing your jaw muscles to work excessively. A mouth guard acts as a barrier between the lower and upper teeth; thus, addressing the consequences of teeth grinding. While it does not entirely erase the habit, your guard provides for healthy jaw relaxation, culminating in significant relief.

5.      Safeguard Braces and Other Oral Procedures

If you are currently using braes or have received bonding, veneers, or fillings, your dentist will suggest using a mouthguard. If you are a sportsman, using a mouthguard throughout your sport is even more important. As stated previously, any injury might impact your mouth; thus, harming your dental appliances or treatments.

Now that you know the numerous advantages of using a mouth guard, you should contemplate getting one. Dr. Charles Marks will recommend a custom-fit mouthguard based on your dental requirements, budget, and lifestyle. Call the Midtown, NY office or use the online scheduling tool to arrange an initial appointment today.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.