After your skin cancer has been completely removed, your surgeon will begin reconstructing the affected area. The type of reconstruction you undergo will depend on the size and location of your wound. There are three main types of reconstruction for Dallas post-Mohs surgery.
1. Skin grafts: A skin graft involves taking healthy skin from another area of your body and using it to cover the wound.
2. Local flap: A local flap is a type of surgery where the surgeon moves healthy skin from one nearby area to another.
3. Free tissue transfer: Free tissue transfer is a more complex type of surgery that involves taking healthy tissue from another area of your body and moving it to the affected area. This type of surgery is often used for larger wounds.
Mohs reconstructive surgery entails many steps, but the overall goal is to restore your appearance and function. Your surgery may take several hours or even a day or two to complete depending on your case. You can expect to spend some time in the hospital after your surgery, but most people can go home the same day.
Reconstructive surgery after Mohs is typically performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area being treated. Your surgeon may also use general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep in some cases.
Keep reading to learn about what happens during Mohs surgery
The surgeon will consult with you to go over your options
It is vital to talk with your surgeon before your surgery to be on the same page and have realistic expectations.
You will be given a local anesthetic
It will numb the area around the wound so that you do not feel any pain during the surgery.
The surgeon will make an incision
The size of the incision will depend on the size of the wound. The doctor will then remove the cancerous tissue and any margins of healthy tissue around it.
The wound will be closed
After the cancerous tissue has been removed, the surgeon will close the wound. It can be done with stitches, skin grafts, or local flaps, depending on the size and location of the wound.
You will be given a follow-up plan
After your surgery, your doctor at Wound Evolution will go over your options for follow-up care, which may include Mohs surgery or other treatments. You will also be given instructions on caring for your wound as it heals.
Some practical ways to care for the wound include:
- Washing the wound with soap and water
- Applying an antibiotic ointment to the wound
- Keeping the wound clean and dry
- Changing the dressing as directed by your doctor
It is essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully to ensure proper healing.
Mohs surgery is a highly effective treatment for skin cancer, but it is essential to discuss your options with your doctor before undergoing any treatment. Reconstruction plays an essential role in Mohs surgery. You should be sure to ask your surgeon about all of your options before surgery to make the best decision for your health.