What Is Dermaplaning? - Pros and Cons of Scalpel Shaving Facial

Every day your skin is exposed to irritants, harsh environmental toxins and sun damage. As a result, your skin’s top layer appears dull, making you look older. Dermaplaning Fridley clears the damaged skin cells away, exposing the newer ones. The results may vary from person to person, making it hard to quantify the treatment’s success objectively.

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning, also known as microplaning or blading, is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your aim. Dermaplaning aims to give you smooth, youthful, and radiant skin. Dermaplaning can be used on any skin type and benefit anyone with:

  • Dry skin
  • Dull skin
  • Acne scars
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Sun-damaged skin

The tool used during treatment resembles a razor you would use to shave your body hair. The basic concept of dermaplaning is similar to shaving; a dermatologist aims a sterile blade at a 45-degree angle and drags it slowly across the skin. The blade removes scar tissue, dead cells, and other debris that make your skin’s surface uneven.

How safe is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a relatively safe procedure when performed by a certified dermatologist. However, it still causes mild side effects like redness in the treated area hours after treatment. Some people develop whiteheads on the skin a day or two after the procedure. Although rare, this skin treatment poses the risk of infection and scarring. If you develop a scar after treatment, your specialist may recommend steroid injections to soften the scar tissue. You may also notice a patchy skin pigment on the treated areas; this may fade away over time.

What to expect during dermaplaning

Before a dermaplaning procedure, a patient receives numbing spray or local anesthesia combined with an oral sedative. The goal is to keep you relaxed and free from any pain during the procedure. Once the medications take effect, your provider uses a manual or electronic tool to scrape over your skin at a 45-degree angle. You may feel tingling as the blade moves across your skin, but this should not be painful. It takes an average of 20 to30 minutes for your provider to exfoliate your skin gently. After treatment, your dermatologist may apply soothing cream like aloe on your skin. Because your skin is sensitive to the sun after treatment, your provider uses sunscreen on your face for protection.

After dermaplaning

No downtime is necessary to recover after dermaplaning; you can resume usual activities immediately after the procedure. Your skin may appear red right after the procedure, but this will subside with time. You may also notice that your skin looks brighter after treatment, but it may take a few days to see the full results. The results become more visible over time as the redness subsides. The results are not permanent and may fade within three weeks to a month.

Your provider may give you guidelines on caring for your skin after dermaplaning. For example, you will need to be careful about sun exposure because sun damage could reverse the effects of the treatment.

Consult your dermatologist at Afzal Clinics for dermaplaning to attain smooth and radiant skin.

By Alexander James

Beau Alexander James: Beau, a mental health advocate, shares personal stories, coping strategies, and promotes mental health awareness and understanding.