Snoring is the vibrating sound that you make while you are asleep. Although you can snore once in a while due to nasal congestion, other times, it represents a sleep disorder that affects the quality of your sleep. Snoring Rockville can also be a symptom of an underlying condition like obstructive sleep apnea.
Causes of snoring
There are different causes of snoring. While you might snore because you have obstructive sleep apnea, another person will snore because of their lifestyle choice, like alcohol consumption. You might also snore depending on your anatomy, especially if you have large tonsils or a small jaw.
The following are common causes of snoring:
· Obesity
· Alcohol use
· Pregnancy
· Small jaw
· Large tonsils
· Persistent nasal congestion
· Nasal polyps or deviated septum
Treatment options
Your treatment option will depend on the cause and severity of your snoring. There are three common types of snoring treatment: oral appliances, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, and surgery.
Oral appliance therapy
When you settle on oral appliance therapy (OAT) as a treatment option, your specialist will refer you to a dentist who can make a customized appliance for you. When it’s ready, wear the appliance over your mouth to keep your airway open.
The appliance will improve your sleep quality and is easy to use, comfortable, and convenient.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine
A CPAP machine will benefit you if your snoring results from obstructive sleep apnea. It delivers consistent oxygen flow into your nose through a mask you wear while you sleep. The consistent air flow prevents your tongue and soft palate from shifting far into your airway.
The CPAP machine will help prevent cardiovascular conditions that are caused by obstructive sleep apnea. Furthermore, you will wake up well-rested and refreshed.
If other methods of treating snoring are ineffective, your specialist might recommend surgery. There are situations like the presence of large tonsils which might call for removal, and that involves surgery. It is important to understand that different types of surgeries treat snoring.
Different types of surgeries include:
· Somnoplasty
· Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
· Pillar procedure
· Hypoglossal nerve stimulation
How to deal with snoring at home
You can use the following methods to deal with occasional loud snoring at home.
· Practice a proper sleeping routine
· Change your sleeping position
· Lose weight
· Decongest your nasal passages
· Reduce or eliminate alcohol
When to seek treatment
You should visit your doctor if you snore loudly more than three times a week. Snoring can interrupt your sleep and sometimes you can wake up gasping for air. If you have a bed partner, they might point out your loud snoring; therefore, you should not ignore that but schedule a visit to your doctor as soon as possible.
If your snoring interrupts your sleeping pattern and quality of sleep, visit Sleep Services of Maryland and meet qualified and friendly snoring specialists. You will undergo a thorough evaluation as your specialist identifies and recommends the best treatment for your condition. Call or book an appointment online today.